
Wednesday, July 03, 2013

A is for...

A while back, Dixie of Frenchlique Texas had a blog post that got me to thinking about blogging and the lack thereof on my part.  It's not that I don't have things to blog about, I do, but with all that's going on in my life it's the lack of time to actually sit down and blog about it.  It's time consuming, as you bloggers all know.

So I'm taking Dixie's challange (but I may be jumping ahead of her because we are half way into week 1 of July and I didn't see a post yet, come on Dixie join in) and regardless of what's going on I will blog at least once a week, hopefully. 

Since tomorrow is July 4th and you may be planning a celebration or just kicking back and doing nothing, which is fine too, I'll start off this post blogging about something that starts with "A". 

Give me an "A", okay we aren't on the Wheel of Fortune program, so here goes. 

For me, there is so much that I could blog about for "A", Antiques, Adventures, Adorable Shops, Amazing Friends, About to Retire (yes I had to get that subject in there because that's all I've been consumed with lately) Antique Shows, etc.

In the past few weeks/months, I've been to some "A"mazing places and have so many wonderful pics to share with you, but instead in celebration of the 4th and Apple Pie, I thought I'd share with you Ree Drummond's Flat Apple Pie.

It's one of my favorites and I love making it since it's super easy.  Click on this link for the recipe.

Hope you have a wonderful and Happy 4th of July!!



  1. A is for AWESOME, Theresa and that's what your blog is and it's been my inspiration for trying blogging. I agree though, it's hard to take the time to put together a blog, but I love and look forward to reading yours whenever you do one.
    I've spent a lot more time posting on FB lately about our business because it's so instantaneous, but I'll keep trying to post a blog as well.
    Thanks for inspiring us!
    Happy 4th!

  2. Betsy, you are so sweet to always support me and I really appreciate it! Happy 4th to you too.

  3. i also love your blog posts whenever they appear! So glad you are retiring! I love it and I hope you do as well!

  4. A is for applause for using A that many times! It's also for admiration and appreciation for all you do. Did I mention appetite...'cause my stomach is growling looking at that pie?

  5. That pie looks Amazing! I would love to try it. I know what a busy lady you have been! I'm glad you have retirement to look forward to. I think time for blogging waxes and wanes over time for all of us. I'm glad you're still interested in it! I know you have a wealth of material to share. Happy 4th of July!

  6. Oh girl, you beat me to the post. We were suppose to back from our vacation last Friday, but didn't get back until Sunday... No time to get my post together! I'll have mine up by Saturday afternoon... A is for....??????

  7. Great post, Theresa! I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing your wonderful pictures. I really love the incredible ribbon flag. It's beautiful.
    A is for antiques and amazing people like you!
    Peace, love, and all the good stuff to ya, sweet friend<3<3<3

  8. A is for ABOUT TIME on the retirement - woohoo!! And Girl, I thought you were doing fewer shows this year????

  9. P.s.... Did I mention I love the flag photo!


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