
Monday, August 26, 2013

Junk Bonanza Fall Giveaway

Happy Monday friends.  I have several things to share with you this week.  The first being this is my last day of my work week in the job I've had for 30+ years.  I'm so excited to see where the road will lead with hopefully new adventures.  Friday is my last day and I've packed about 3/4 of my office.  I had to surround myself with a few pretties until my last day.

Secondly, I'm helping a friend with an estate sale on Saturday.  It's going to be in Montgomery Texas and I'll post more about this this week.  If you are anywhere near this area I encourage you to go.  It's in a beautiful farmhouse and there are treasures to be found.

Finally, Ki and her crew at the Junk Bonanza are having a giveaway.  They are giving away a tote full of things, two VIP tickets and A GIFT CERTIFICATE.  I've decided to choose the winner by the first one that leaves me comment telling me how much they want to win these tickets and why.

You are welcome to leave me a comment even if you don't want to win, just remember if you do, tell me why.  I love to hear from you.  Hope you all have a great week:


We have a winner, congrats SUSAN!  Please email me.  Thanks to all that commented.


  1. Teresa, I would love to win these tickets! It would be a first for me! I'd love to see all the treasures sure to be found there and maybe I'd even find something for my daughter's new house too!
    Congratulations on your retirement! There are so many adventures on your horizon! Best wishes to you!

    1. Susan, you've won. please email me at so I can pass on the JB crew. Congrats!

  2. Girl, I am SO excited for your retirement and quite a bit jealous too!!! I would love to win because Ki and junk both ROCK!!

    1. Stephanie, I wish I had more tickets to give out. Thanks for the well wishes. Maybe now I'll have more time to visit you at your shop!

  3. Congrats on your last day of work! I'm so wired to work, and I love CR, I don't think I will ever be able to say "my last day of work"! I hope your new future holds many joyful days for you!

    Take care,

  4. Sue, California is on my bucket list of places to visit. One day friend I'm hopeful we'll meet. Thanks for the well wishes.
