
Friday, September 20, 2013

Let the Fun Begin!!

Each season as the Antiques Week draws near I'm like a little kid heading to some place fun, summer camp, an amusement park, camping...No, I'm excited because I'm headed to Junker's Paradise, the fields of Warrenton as we call them.

Now before we arrive at our destination (that is Zapp Hall), along the way there are miles and miles of vendors that are getting ready to set up.  I know that as a shopper you may not realize just how hard we as vendors work to get our spaces put together before you arrive.  Or maybe you've watched us in action and you do know just how hard we work.  Yesterday we headed out to see friends and vendors that were already setting up in the fields.

I know you're probably thinking, why do you need to go shopping, don't you already have a trailer full (in our case it's two). Yes we do, but you never know if you'll see something that you've been looking for a long time. 

It was really hot there yesterday, the humidity was aweful before the rain started, so we didn't stay long in the fields.  All the vendors hadn't arrived yet and many were still trying to get their spaces in order.  I thought you might enjoy seeing some of the spaces just getting ready and some of the cool things we saw along the way.

 Here is Rodeo Royalty's booth, you can tell Brandy is bringing some awesome things to the show:

Donnie Volkart's Booth in downtown Round Top Texas at The Gone to Texas Show:

He always finds the best things.

And finally in the fields of Bar W:

See you at Zapp Hall one week from today!!


  1. My mother and I had a quick look at the people setting up yesterday. I've never been to the shows before, but am worried over the traffic and heat. I think we're still going to try to attend a couple places anyway. I think it'd be a shame not to at least try.

    Good Luck hunting for treasures!


  2. Kristen, not having been to the shows I understand your concern about the traffic and heat, but this always happens at every show. I'm with you, I wouldn't let anything stop me from shopping here. It only happens twice a year and in no other part of the country will you find the things you'll find here or meet the people you'll meet here. I've made so many friends for life from having set up at the shows. If it wouldn't have been for coming to Round Top, I wouldn't have even met half of them. Please stop by and see me if you are near Zapp Hall, I'll be right in front of the Hall. Hoping to meet you.

  3. Can't wait! I am headed there in the morning - rain or shine! Will you be at your space? Don't know if many people are set up, but I am going anyway! Hope to see you tomorrow, but if not, the week after.

  4. Love you new header picture, looks so empty there now, but not for long!

    I can't wait to get there!

    Oh and guess what? I fell day before yesterday while getting Lillie out of the car. Was holding her when I fell, so I didn't break my fall at all! My back is a mess!
    See girl we are all getting old!


  5. Sorry if this double posted. (It showed the first reply as having not gone through, and I have very limited internet service out here. It keeps kicking me off). My mother and I will definitely try to stop by.

    My mother suffered from heat stroke and dehydration last October (not at the show) and the doctors told her that once a person goes through that they’ll never be able to withstand the heat like they used to. Because of that, we’ll be sticking close to the venues with air conditioning. (Which is really frustrating for her because, like myself, she’s really into all this).

    I think I remember reading that Zapp Hall has an AC, so... barring a sudden swarm of locusts, I see no reason why we wouldn’t stop by. :p

    Enjoy your weekend!


  6. Thanks for sharing this. I'm finally getting past the panic and starting to get really excited about the show. Can't wait to see you.

  7. You are in good company. I'm super excited right now about the upcoming weekend. I'm having a junkin' adrenaline rush with the anticipation of all there will be to see. Even though I've wanted to go the past few years, my calendar has always been full. This will be my first time attending and I cant wait.


I so enjoy your comments and you stopping by!