
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Busy Week

It has been a busy week and I'm just now having a few moments to let you know that we had a great show this past weekend in Austin at the City Wide Garage Sale.  Thanks to all that came out and shopped with us.  Almost all the furniture sold during this show. 

It's show time for us again this weekend and there's another great show you also need to go to. This Friday and Saturday is the Homestead Fall Antique Fair in Hico Tx.  My good friend Brenda of Penn River Designs is located inside the store and her displays and merchandise she finds is just awesome.  I can't wait to see her beautiful things. Here's a teaser post to a few pics that Brenda posted on her website, Penn River Designs.  I can't wait to see what magic she's created for this weekend's upcoming Antique Fair:

We are packed and ready for The Urban Market Antique Show in Houston this weekend.  I hope you make plans to come out to this show.  It's almost like a smaller scaled down version of Round Top/Warrenton Antique Show with many of the same vendors being there, but just in a more manageable show.

There's always a great turnout for the Saturday opening and remember she always has refreshments and wine on Saturday.  Sunday continues with the same great vendors, many customers return again on this day.  You can get more info. about the show here.

There'll be lots of great vendors in Hico so you can shop with them on Friday and then head down to Urban Market on Saturday or Sunday. Hope to see you at one of the shows.

1 comment:

  1. I know we are gonna cross somewhere on the highway. I keep looking out my window for y'alls truck!
    Good luck in Houston.


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