
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Petticoats on the Prairie

The Petticoats on the Prairie Antique Show is next week and they have a fabulous list of vendors lined up for the show.  They will host over 80 vendors featuring antiques, handmade items, vintage and re-purposed items, furniture, junk, jewelry,  and clothing.

                                                                   (Via: Perspective Antiques on Facebook)
They had their very first show back in 2010 at the Black Locust Farms in Ira, Texas, which they quickly outgrew that venue after 2 shows and moved to the Mitchell County Fairgrounds in Colorado City.  They hold their Fall shows in Colorado City and go on the road for the Spring shows.  
Mary, one of the event coordinators explained that Friends that had organized and worked on a successful fundraiser event for our Main Street Program decided to create a show that would highlight vintage items and special vendors all wrapped up in a themed event.

Their passion for this event has kept them motivated even though they've have had numerous obstacles in this journey. Passion is definitely the driving factor.  You can see this by the hard work that is put into each show and for the careful consideration they take to bring on the best vendors to their venues.

Mary goes on to explain that one of their best memories includes special guests like Lara Blair, Irene Rawlings, Binky Morgan and meeting all the vendors and shoppers.  We treasure the friendships we have made along the way most of all.

Those who attend their show can expect exceptional hospitality, incredible vendors, a decorated venue and lots of fun!  They work really hard all year round on the event and to get the word out!

We hope that you will consider enjoying the "experience" that Petticoats On The Prairie offers. That experience includes, talented vendors, delicious food, Sisters On The Fly, visiting with old friends and meeting new friends that share the same interests!

Please make plans to attend their event on October 18-19.  Click HERE for more show info. and be sure to follow them on Facebook too.


  1. Wish I could be there! And I love the name of the show, of course. Thinking of you and hope all is well.


  2. Theresa, you're not doing the Petticoats show are you? It's the same weekend as Trade Days so I've not made it to the show, but Elaine took off a day last year and went and really enjoyed it.

    1. Betsy, no I'll be at the City Wide Garage Sale that weekend in Austin. I would love to go to it one day.

  3. Would love to go to this show, I would even wear my petticoats.


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