
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ann's Magical Open House

Yesterday despite the rain and cold we made it to Ann Perry's Open House.  To say it was magical would be an understatement.  It was just so pretty and every touch she added you just wanted to stand there and stare in amazement, not only at the vignette's in her shop The Tin Rabbit but her home as well.

I heard someone say yesterday that Ann has such a peace about her and that peace just radiates to everyone and just makes you want to be around her even more.  I couldn't have said it any better myself.  Ann's kindness towards me makes me so thankful to call her my friend.

I've posted lots of pics of her home on my Pinterest Site.  If you don't have a Pinterest account, it only takes a second to sign up. It's so worth it just to see the pics of her home.  I'll post more pics this week, but in the meantime, please click over to Pinterest to see more.  Happy Sunday to you all.


  1. Oh goody! I can't wait to go see those photos! Thanks for always sharing the photos of Ann's home and shop!

  2. wow! your blog is amazing! Love the pics & now i follow you ;) xxx

    Gabriela Rose


  3. Thank you for sharing the photos, Theresa. I hope some year in the future to actually make her open house. See you Friday.


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