
Sunday, November 17, 2013

One More Show This Month

I have one more show this month, well maybe two, still deciding on the second one but will let you know.

I first want to thank all that came out and supported us this past weekend at Fredericksburg Trade Days.  I had a great time and met lots of new faces.  Thanks to Betsy and Elaine for their help in loading up, I couldn't have done it without them.  I owe you girls big time!!

Here's a quick preview of our booth there as photographed by Anne Lorys, what a great job she did:

I also had the pleasure of staying with her one time and her home is just gorgeous.  My pics didn't do it justice so please check her blog or Facebook page for many more pics.

We are headed to Melrose Texas to set up at Ann Perry's place.  I'm so excited!!  Her Open Houses are just amazing. 

I have several new things I'm working on so please stay tuned for my news.  Hope you all had a great weekend.


  1. Theresa, I'm so glad you made it home safely. It was seeing you and hanging out at Trade Days with you. It was our pleasure to help you load. Afterall, what are friends for but to help each other out. I wish I could make it to the open house to see it and your space. Have a fantastic time and sell it out! Betsy

    1. Betsy, It took forever or so it seemed but was glad to be home. See you soon.

  2. The girls are a couple of sweethearts...that's for sure.
    Maybe I'll get to come to Ann's. I would love to see her home and your set up.

    1. Deb, yes they are! Would love for you to come out to Ann's. You'll find lots of treasures.

  3. Oh Theresa you're going to see Ann again and I just wish I could come along! Today I got some Christmas ornaments out of the boxes she once sent to me and was thinking at her. Please take lot's of pictures of the whole set up of her shop and better even her home too and also detailed shots. Can't wait to see what she did this year, I love Ann! Looking forward to your next Ann Perry blog post :)
    I wish you a great time!

  4. Ann is so talented. I can't wait to see what she creates this year!


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