
Monday, January 26, 2015

Winter Antique Show

This past Friday and Saturday we were at the Winter Antique Show @ The Big Red Barn in Round Top Texas.  To say I was blown away not only by the crowds shopping there but by the sales would be an understatement.  I've never seen so much buying going on in one place.  Yes the crowds do come out to this show, but I think this is the biggest crowd that has been there in January that I've seen in a long time.  For the most part, I think the majority of us had a great show.  I know I was super pleased.  I had SOLD signs every where and you know that's a good thing.

I'm just so thankful that the three past shows I've had for the last three weeks have been great.  I am so grateful to keep doing what I love. 

Thanks to all the customers that came out in the cold and rain and the friends that stopped by too.  Our next show will be in February at Fredericksburg Trade Days.  Hope you mark your calendars for this.


  1. That's awesome! Hoping that's the trend... Yay! Get to shopping!

  2. Oh, so YOU were the one with the booth with all the great white chippy stuff that was all SOLD! We were there Saturday morning when the Barn opened. Loved your booth -- but everything had "sold" on it!!


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