Monday, September 01, 2008

Labor Day Awards

Deb of What's Deb Doing sent me this award last week. The rules are that I'm to nominate seven blogs (now come on how can I do that, have you seen my fav list?). I'm also to post this award and link back to Deb, which I did above. Okay, let me try to nominate 7, this is going to be so hard, here goes:

See if you can figure out who I've chosen, if not, just click on their picture and you'll be directed to their blog.

Happy Labor to All!! Please pray for those that will be affected by the upcoming storm.


  1. T. you are so sweet......getting an award from you is like receiving 100's of butter pats. We are so excited. Thanks for your sweet award.....Lauri@ Chippys

  2. T-I don't care if I win the Oscar, it's just an honor to be nominated-Oh Wait-it's not for an Oscar? Well, it's still a honor to be nominated. Now, let's see if I can figure out how to pass it on. I know, I know you gave me directions-that doesn't mean I can follow 'em!

  3. Theresa
    thank you for posting me as one of your favorites.I am so new to blogging and with out your encouragement both on and off line.
    Here's to a great show and lots of fun.

  4. Thanks for the nomination for the I Heart Your Blog award! What greater encouragement for a new blogger than to be recognized by the queen of blogs herself...YOU!

    The Texas Woman

  5. You love really love me:-)
    Thanks for the nomination! Feel like I just received a cracked and crazed ironstone cake platter, yippee!!


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