
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Homestead Spring Antique Fair, May 24-25

************Just a Reminder******************

Are you ready to attend another fabulous Antique Show in Texas?  Well mark your calendars for the Homestead Spring Antique Fair in beautiful Hico Texas, hosted by Brenda and Mike James.  The show starts on May 24 and runs through May 25 and in one week you can start shopping.  Admission is $2 with all proceeds being donated to the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and is well worth it.  Show hours are 10am to 5pm each day.

All photo's via Penn River Designs
If you follow them on Facebook, you'll see their most recent post shows where Brenda Harding of Penn River Designs has displayed her things in the front window of the store.  You'll definately what to check out the awesome things she's found on her travels.  See her blog below for so many more pics.

And speaking of awesome things, just look at the great list of vendors that are coming to the show.  You may know of some of them and perhaps some are new to you.  I'm sure they've been searching for the perfect treasure to bring just for you.  Here is the list of Homestead Vendors:

Accumulations, Austin Tx: Mickie & Brandy Shults

Antiques on High:  Bob Porter

Bloom & Bee Swanky, Waco Tx: Amy Bradshaw

Blue Chelsea Treasures Leta Altom

Ellis Antiques: Sue Ellis
Jo Carol

Carol Casey 

Cowgirl Gypsy:   Deanna Turley

Crazy Horse Antiques: Lynda Harkins

Crimson Blu Studios:   Kari Bishop

Daphne Nicole, Hubbard Tx: Daphne Radke

Devine Antiques:   Carmen Castaneda

Garden Antqs Vintage, Huntsville Tx:   Theresa Cano

Junk Yard Dog, Glen Rose Tx: Deidra Cockerham

LaLa's on the Range:   Laure Savory

Lisa Monroe

Paper & Lace, Meridian Tx: Shayla Bean/Lisa Hall

Penn River Designs, Fredericksburg Tx:   Brenda Harding

Reborn Ally:   Ally Michael

REDO, Stephenville Tx:   Michelle Brown

Jeannie Russell

Showtime Antiques, Ft. Worth Tx:   Bill Cutler

Stokes & Company, Abiline Tx:   Dalia Stokes

Salvage Junky, McKinney Tx:   Debbie Wallis

Sparks Interiors & Antiques, Stephenville Tx:   Donald Sparks (Check out his booth on Marburger Farm blog)

Texas Trash: Ashley Crim

Amy Young
Just in case you are curious who all has displayed at some of the past shows, check out these blogs, you'll see so much inspiration:  

**Lilly's Lace**  
**Ruby Grace**  
**Katherine Robertson Photography**  


  1. I have never made it out to this show before - would LOVE to!!

  2. Can you hear me cussing this leash the doctor has me on? I keep missing all these great shows and if he doesn't hurry upand turn me loose, I may just have to let loose on him.
    Have a great show and give everyone I know a hug from me.

  3. If I was In Texas I would definitely try to make a show!

  4. I hope it went well, and sure wish I could have been there! Thanks for sharing the photos and links - love "shopping" via computer screen! I hope the flooding in San Antonio didn't affect the show and that everyone made it safely there and back. Thanks for stopping by and I LOVE your header!!! Great stuff - as usual!!

    Big hugs and lots of love

  5. I can't wait to see all your pictures from the show. I'm glad you had a great birthday/show. Can't wait to see what upcoming shows are on your books.


I so enjoy your comments and you stopping by!