
Monday, June 17, 2013

City Wide Garage Sale in Austin this Weekend

I'm excited to be selling at the City Wide Garage Sale this weekend in Austin Texas.  You can get in for early shopping at 8:30 on Saturday.  Now don't let the name fool you, it's not actually a city wide garage sale, it's just called that.  It's in an air conditioned building so you don't have to worry about the heat and there are about 75 vendors, if not more, that are selling vintage items.  You usually can find what you are looking for here.  If you've never been to this sale or even heard about, I've blogged about it several times. Check out my other blog post here.

Here's another fabulous picture from Judy Hill's Open House last Thursday:

I hope to post more of her place, so stay tuned.

I'm taking mainly white French Farmhouse items this weekend to Austin.  Hope you make plans to come out and see. 


  1. Hey, Sweet T-- I'm looking forward to seeing you at CWGS this weekend! I went to CWGS at Belton last weekend and loaded down the SUV! Can't wait to see your beautiful self and your wonderful booth. Peace, love, and all the best stuff to ya!
    Garden Cat Vintage

  2. Girl - I thought you were going to do fewer shows this year?! : )

  3. I love it when you post photos of Judy Hill's beautiful home!!!
    Have a wonderful time at the yard sale Theresa!!!


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