
Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday friends.  I've been so bad about not blogging and I have so many wonderful places to show you, like Binky LaFaye's shop in Llano and Rachel's Antiques and Uniques in Nacogdoches and then last weekend we visited newest shop in Seguin, Aunt Maudies's Attic.  The new home for the Curious Boys, Sister's Treasures and Glory B's (you can find all these on my side bar for their blogs).

Yesterday, Junkin Buddy and I hit the road for another road trip to Judy Hill's fabulous Spring Home Show.  I thought I'd show you a teaser post to this and wish you all a Happy Friday and weekend:

I promise to be back to show much more of this and all the other places we've been.  Just a reminder that next weekend is the City Wide Garage Sale in Austin and we will be setting up there.  We are taking all white/farmhouse treasures for you!  It's going to be a fun time.


  1. Back at ya, blogger friend. So many of us have dropped out of the blogging universe these days. So glad you are still around.

  2. How fun to be in a city wide garage sale. There are times when I wish I lived in town just for things like that. ha ha!!

  3. Don't tease me! You know I want more! And how about putting your pics on you Pinterest board so I can can add them to my dream board for the farmhouse!
    Hugs... Dixie!

  4. Such a tease:) Hope your sale goes good for ya.


  5. I wanted to go to Judy's sale so bad but trying to be good and work on getting the store open soon.... so I can't wait to see pictures!!!
    Blessings~~~ Daphne

  6. Looking for more of the school window shades I got from ya. (Ann in RT)

  7. I miss blogging so much! Facebook just doesn't do it for me like blogging.

  8. I too can't wait to see more pictures of Judy's! Bummed that I will miss seeing you at City Wide this weekend since I will still be on the road, but I hope you sell out and take lots of before pictures! Tell Cruz hello for me and have fun!


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