
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Going Back to my Home Place

If you've ever moved away from your home town
or a previous house,
you know the feeling
of having missed neighbors and friends
that you've made over the years. 

The longing to be back there,
sitting on the front porch waving to the one's that drove by
or walking late in the evening in your neighborhood
(and in Texas it's really late to beat the heat)
or just running next door for that cup of sugar.

You know you may have even had the thought,
did I make right decision,
did I do the right thing by moving...

That's the feeling I've had for the past two shows
While there were no regrets,
there was this feeling that I just missed my Home Place and friends. 

I am so happy to be going back
to my Home Place,
that is Zapp Hall
Starting this Fall, I'll even be back in my same spot!

I have loved being at this show for so many years
and for almost two weeks in the Spring and Fall, it's home for me. 

While I've learned a lot from having been gone for two shows away from Zapp Hall,
What I do know is that I'm glad to be back!!

I hope you'll come and find me
 this Fall at Zapp Hall
in downtown Warrenton Texas.

I'll be looking for you...


  1. Yay, I'm so excited for you and am excited we'll be "sorta" neighbors at Zapp this Fall... let the fun begin!

  2. How brave of you to listen to and follow your heart! So proud and excited for you! Valarie

  3. Theresa . . . It's about Time !
    Remember Mama . . .
    There's No Place Like Home
    There's No Place Like Home !!!

    BIG HUGS !

  4. I might need to borrow your ruby slippers in the future Dorothy Gale!

  5. Howdy, Sweet T--can I just say YEE-HAW and HALLELUJAH!!! The Zapp 'hood' was just not the same without your beautiful, sweet self and your lovely booth welcoming junkers, dreamers, and gypsies to the fabulous place that is Zapp Antique Show! Can't wait to see your Zapp booth in September! :) Peace, love, and welcome back! xxoos

  6. Congrats Sweet T - so happy you could get your same spot!!

  7. Theresa... Good choice! We missed you there... Candy and I will see you in the fall at Zapp Hall!


I so enjoy your comments and you stopping by!