
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Canton is this week & other News

I know I had promised to tell you about our show in Fredericksburg Texas but when I got food poisoning that weekend, I just didn't feel like doing much and it's taken a week to get over it.

We had a fabulous show in Fredericksburg despite this and the heat.  We are so thankful to all that came out and supported us, we always seem to have a great reception when we are there.  Thank you all again so much.

Now this week leads us to Canton, where we'll be setting up at the Canton Texas Flea Market.  One of the largest flea markets in Texas and beyond.  We'll be in the 6000 Pavilion, toward the stairs on the right.

We've dropped off our load and will be back bright and early starting on Wednesday morning.  I hope you'll come out and find us.

Happy Sunday!


  1. I hope Canton is great for you! I also am sending up prayers for cooler weather! :)
    Take care,

  2. Simply cannot wait to see pics and hear about your time in Canton!!! I think you'll be set-up close to Whitney & Kathy - right?

  3. I'll be going to Canton this weekend. Where is your booth going to be? I'd love to stop by and see what goodies you have for sale!


  4. I really need to make a trip to's been a year since I have been...hoping maybe the Nov. show. I have some friends from the shop that want to come with me...hope you will be there.


  5. You take it easy out there. The last thing you need is a relapse!Good luck.

  6. So sorry to hear that you and Cruz were sick! Hopefully you are on the didn't get that cyclospora did you?? Feel better soon and have a great show!


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