
Tuesday, August 06, 2013

D & E

Okay y'all this stomach bug is for the birds and I'm ready to get back to feeling better!  Law (as my crazy friend would say, enough is enough)!!!!!!!!!

After sitting in the 100+ heat with the past two shows and feeling like you just wanted to crawl in a hole and be done with it, then coming home and still not feeling like yourself, going to the doctor, being on meds and having to work too, well it's time to feel better.  And today is the first day since being in Fredericksburg during the week of July 18th that I can say I'm actually feeling a bit better.  At least I ate a little more today.  The good thing, if there is a good thing, is that I've lost some weight.

I missed Dixie's challenge for D & E so I'm playing catch up.

There's a new Antique Show in Granbury that's happening really soon and I wanted to tell you about it.  So "D" stands for D'Vine Antique's Outdoor Show.  This is one of the sweetest families, you can just tell by the sweet things they post on Facebook.  It's their first Outdoor Show.  Check them out if you are in the area and they've got some really awesome vendors setting up here.

We were scheduled to join them but I've had something come up the same weekend.  Sadly I won't be able to set up, but I promised Carmen to promote the show:

Now "E" stands for "Events" as in the upcoming Antique Show Events.  I thought it would fun to share that we are 45 DAYS from the Antique Shows starting in beautiful Round Top/Warrenton Texas!!

And have I told you how excited I am to be going back to Zapp Hall.  Oh yes, I do believe I did, but hey Jack (a favorite quote from a favorite person I love watching-can you tell me who it is).   I am so excited!!


  1. Theresa, I am so glad you are feeling better and that is definitely not a way anyone would want to lose weight, right?
    I don't know "Jack"!! lol But I'm excited that we're both going to be at Zapp!
    Stay cool and I hope you keep feeling better!

  2. I'm so happy happy happy you're feeling a bit better.

  3. C'mom Sweet T - "D" is for "dying" to hear how Canton went!!!!!

  4. So glad you're feelin' better, Theresa! You've been one busy lady lately. I'm looking forward to seein' back at Zapp--can't wait! Peace, love, and all the best stuff to ya.

  5. Steph, I took things to sell in Canton and that's what I did. It was just so hot... Thanks Deb and Lisa! Betsy, we are going to have the best time together, JACK!


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