
Sunday, August 11, 2013

F is for???

Happy Sunday everyone.  I'm still here playing along with Dixie's challenge to blog every week.  Today's post features "F", which for me stands for Friends.  There are so many awesome friends I've met not only through this blog, through my antique biz, and just in life.

I have many friends to be thankful for.  Friends that will call for no reason just to say hi or check on me and I know they've got busy lives too.  Friends that while I may not get to see them often or even talk to them that much, we just seem to catch up where we last left off, which might have been months ago.  I'm always thankful for the all friends that I've met along the way.

One friend stands out today.  She sent me an email yesterday and she always says the kindest things, it's always good to hear from her.  My friend Brenda, I met a few years back at the Hico Homestead Show and was instantly drawn to her.  She has such a great eye for display and finds the most amazing things too.

I know I've shared her website and beautiful things with you before but in case you've not checked in for a while I thought it would be nice to show you her new pics she recently posted on her website, Penn River Designs.  You can find her in The Homestead Store in Hico Texas and she'll be there during their Fall Show as well.


Be sure and click on her site above.  Wishing you a wonderful rest of the day.


  1. Hi Theresa . . .
    You are So Kind for introducing Brenda to Our Curious Little Shop !
    She was So Sweet even though She left Our space in Shambles . . .
    Just kidding Brenda . . .
    Can't wait for you & Saidie's next visit !
    See You Soon Theresa!


  2. What a nice post. I always tell people one of the best things about our "junking/antiquing" business is the friendships we've made. You, my sweet friend, are a stand out to me... we've only seen each other a few times, but I always feel like we have a kindred spirit. I know everyone I talk to in this business seems to know and love you! Thank you for being such a great friend.
    Plus I really want to make it to Homestead one day to see Brenda with Penn River Design's great displays and merchandise.

  3. Theresa, you are the kindest and most generous person I have ever known. I am so blessed to be your friend and to call you MY friend. Love to you always........


I so enjoy your comments and you stopping by!