
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

City Wide Garage Sale is this WEEKEND!!

The City Wide Garage Sale in Austin Texas is this weekend, August 17-18.    I hope that you are making plans to come out and join us.

We are in our usual spot, Number 403, by the Jewelry Booth.

I'm bringing a load of sale items, so I know you don't want to miss this one.  Hope to see you bright and early on Saturday morning.  Remember early buying is at 8:30!


  1. I am postponing my own garage sale until Sunday just so I can go to early bird buying! Can't wait to see you (and your junk!)! Travel safely.

  2. Would love to make this one, but we've got a huge birthday party to go to...and I'll be disowned if I miss it!
    Sell to the concrete girl.

  3. I'd be there shopping with you if I didn't have Trade Days. I hope you have a fantastic show. Do you have any more of cubbies like that awesome one you sold at Canton? I loved that one.
    I am on countdown mode with you 'til Zapp!

  4. All the college kids will be coming back to town - hope it's crazy busy and you sell out!!


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