
Thursday, October 31, 2013

What's Happening this Week

Our show at Urban Market was a very interesting one and we almost thought it would be rained out, but the customers came and didn't let a little rain scare them away.  True Junkers is what we kept saying to them along with apologizing that everything had been moved up as high as it could go to prevent further rain damage.  By the mid afternoon on Sunday almost all the rain had stopped.

While we did sell, we still had lots left over.  Here are a few pics from the show:

The Thursday before setting up for Urban Market, we headed to Hico Tx to see my friend Brenda's space at the Homestead Fall Fair that they were having in the store and in the tents.  I'll be doing a whole post dedicated to her booth really soon.  To say it was awesome is an understatement.  It was Fabulous!! Can't wait to show you.

There are several things going on this week that I wanted to share with you:

Oct. 31-Nov. 3: Canton Tx Flea Market
Nov. 1-3: Christmas Extravaganza downtown Round Top Tx & Festival Hill
Nov. 2; Rusted Gingham Barn Sale, Gonzales Tx
Nov. 2-3: Rural Tx Antique Show, Bellville Tx

I'm working on getting ready for the Marta and Friends show in Belton.  If you can't make it to one of the shows this weekend, maybe you can come to Marta's show the next weekend.  There are tons of vendors signed up for her show and it's going to be a great time:

Don't forget to turn your clocks back this Saturday!


  1. And miles to go before we sleep! Sleep...what's that? See you next week!

  2. I'm glad you didn't get rained out of the Urban market and had some sales. I'd love to go to the show in Belton, but The Vintage Market in Uvalde is having a little show that weekend so I'm going to go help out there. I hope you have a blast and more importantly, sell out! :)


I so enjoy your comments and you stopping by!