
Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Marta & Friends and More Shows

I am headed to Belton Tx to set up at Marta & Friends Vintage Fall Show and with this being my first time to set up with Marta I'm pretty excited.  I have visited Marta in the past at her shop and from what I've heard her shows are well attended.  I'm really looking forward to being there.

My trailer is loaded down with lots of great things and I hope you'll come out and check out the show.  Here are the details:

After this show I'm headed to Fredericksburg to set up at Trade Days and I'm taking Christmas on the road for this show.  Here's a teaser pic of a few things I'm gathering for this show:

And for the last show I'll be at this month, to say I'm excited just doesn't fully show how really honored I am to be setting up at Ann Perry's Open House at The Tin Rabbit.  If you've never seen my pics of her Open House, well they are beyond words and then to be setting up outside her shop is really exciting.  I'll leave you with a few pics of last years Open House:

Click HERE to check out more of Ann's Open House.  Hope to see you at one of the shows.


  1. How fun, and I know Marta and Ann. I might just make it out to Ann's show, we'll have to see. Now that you are retired, there is no stopping you. :)

  2. Theresa, I hope you have a fabulous show. The weather is suppose to be great. Sell to the dirt. See you next week at Trade Days.

  3. Girl, you are BUSY, BUSY! Good luck at the shows!!


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