Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Life of a Junker

The life of a junker can be interesting (you never know what you will find):

The garden chairs have since sold, but this cool looking metal tree bench is at the show waiting on you! 

And it can be challanging, especially if you are dealing with things like flat tires (the last show we had three blowouts and literally drove into Round Top on three tires!),

Then there's the weather, (if you are setting up at an outdoor show), it could be Hot, Cold, Raining, Sleeting or all of the above.  Just take a look at the rain we had during a previous show:

(The Junk Gypsy Crew)

And it's never boring, 

Sometimes a little tiresome after you've unloaded, but then you are ready to do it again the next day.

We hit the roads as much as we can can looking for cool things to buy,

(Canton Tx Flea Market)

Then we load it in the truck:

(a previous shopping trip)

bring it home,
clean it up and
sometimes repair it or
paint it,
price it,
pack it up,
load it in the trailor,
take it to the shows,
set up the tent

Unload it (all in the Texas Heat I might add *smile*)

Display it and

(My booth during a previous show at Zapp Hall)

It hopefully goes to a new home.

This show both trailers were loaded down with lots of things and they were so heavy, just packed full of great finds. I've decided that since I really have a huge load that what I've found will benefit you because I'm going to be having a HUGE unloading sale.

We'll be waiting for you at:
So please come by and see if a treasure or two has your name on it.

Also, don't forget the BLOG PARTY is Sunday, Sept. 25 at 6pm
Please bring some kind of dish. 
Michelle Delgado will do being a demonstration on Chalk Paint and
HGTV reps will also be there.
See the top of my blog for all the details.

Hope to see you at the shows.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fall Marburger Farms Antique Show

This years Fall Marburger Farms Antique Show is set to start on Tuesday, September 27 and I can't wait to get there to see all the fabulousness that's there.  Besides it also gives me a chance to visit with my friends and see their talent and hard work. 

(Judy Hill's booth seen on Lanette's Blog)

If you have a blog and will blog about your experience at the show, you can get a free Marburger pass.  Go HERE to sign up for this.  Maybe I'll see you there!

Friday, September 16, 2011


PROBLEM FIXED!!  I changed my password and just deleted all contacts.  That way no one will receive anymore of these annoying emails.  I appologize for this.  Very frustrating!


I just received several calls and emails that MY EMAIL ACCOUNT has been hacked and several "trash emails" have been sent out.  Please DO NOT OPEN them as they might contact virus'.  I don't know how to fix this so if anyone has any suggestions, I'd so appreciate your advise. 

Thanks and have a great Friday!

Huntsville Antique Show


It won't be long before the antiquing season starts again in Texas.  You can kick off the season by stopping in Huntsville and checking out the Huntsville Antique Show.  This marks the Huntsville Antique Show's 8th Year, which is held once a year at the Walker County Fair Grounds in Huntsville Tx, just three miles west on Highway 30.  There are over 50 quality vendors coming from all over the U.S. as well as a food vendor.  This venue is air conditioned so you can shop regardless of the weather.  It starts on Saturday, September 17 at 10:00 am and continues through Sunday, September 18.  Admission is $5.00 per person and is good both days, children under 12 are free.  There is plenty of parking and porters are available to assist you with loading your purchases to your vehicle.  Huntsville is centrally located from Dallas, Houston, Austin, Brenham or whatever direction it's easy to find. 


Frederic Morris operates the show and there's something for everyone, with a wide array of antiques to suit every budget and taste, from Americana, Primitives, Modern, Country, fine Estate Jewelry, coins, Glassware, Vintage Boots, Turquoise to pottery and linens, you never know what you might find here.  Several vendors have been with the show since the beginning.  I've set up at this show at least three times and it's an easy show to do with loading in and out very convenient.  The best part is that it is air conditioned and you don't have to battle the heat.  If you are looking for an antique show to either sell at or visit, you should check it out. 

Frederic's love for antiques is what got him started with the show.  I read that after visiting an antique show in another town, he inquired if merchants were benefiting from it and once they said "yes", then brainstorming with friends on how to get more people to visit Huntsville, one thing led to another and the show was born.  It originally started with several friends but he is now managing the show.  He has several booths in local antique shops, A Nitsch in Time and Sam Houston Antique Mall, and is very knowledgeable when it comes to a wide variety of antiques and collectibles.  He's also known for his estate sales that are held locally.

Frederic and friends normally travel all year throughout Texas advertising for the show.  The show is promoted on several online sites, newspapers, and Billboards.  Huntsville is located about 70 miles from Houston on Interstate 45.  

You can literally make a day of visiting Historic Huntsville.  It's home to General Sam Houston and the museum and park in downtown is a big draw to tourists.  There are several antique and specialty shops and eateries in Huntsville. 

Be sure and get there early.  For more information, visit Frederic's Blog, website, or Facebook Page.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Who Is Tall, Dark, & Handsome & Turning 60?

Who can you visualize is Tall (the hat makes him taller), Dark (only because of the Texas Show Dirt otherwise he's not so dark) and we all know he's Handsome A*N*D he's turning 60 pretty soon?  I mean just take a look at who I am talking about (I know you could visualize a million TDH men), but he was definately at the top of your list, right:

A show celebrity in his own right.  I mean my goodness, he's made the initials "CD" famous.  In case you don't know what CD stands for, it's Cat Daddy, the one and only, the original CD (created by his lovely wife)!

Many a celebrity (and a wantabe celeb) have only WISHED!! they would have coined the phrase "CD" so that they would have been known for being famous for this, but nope this title only belongs to the one and only. 

If you've never met him in person.  Well, let me warn you first.  When he speaks to you sometimes it's at a distance (and when we are all unloading for the shows it's probably best at a distance for all of us), he'll do this special hand wave and dance (he pretends he's Elvis--so don't tell him any difference) and you don't think he's smiling.  But you see, he's smiling inside.  This is secret trade mark.

And if he really really likes you (he likes me I think or at least he acts like he does), well he'll bow down to you.  This is a real special gesture on his part.

He'll also tease you terribly bad, like telling you he sold something really expensive for a $1 (sorry inside joke).

Now let me finish telling you why I'm doing this post on him.

He's turning 60 in a few weeks (can you believe it) AND he's giving himself a Birthday Party.  Can you imagine...  So if you want to come to Zapp Hall and wish him a Happy Birthday, you have to go through Ms. Trash first (that's the name my husband calls her and he is known as Daddy Cat--just in case you wanted some history to our friendship). 

Anyways, go over to Deb's Blog for all the 411 on this Party!

Happy Early Birthday CD, you know we love you!!!!!!!!!

One more thing, Deb says that Black Hat mysteriously disappeared.
  I think we should pitch in and buy him another one  Whatya say?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011



Since the Junk Gypsies have posted about some this great news, I thought I'd start off this post quoting them:

 "HoT NEWS FLASH!!… HGTV (yes, that’s right. H!G!T!V!!!) will be coming to THIS ANTIQUES WEEK! & gueSS where their TENT will be? heck yeah! RIGHT beside our tent at ZaPP HaLL! come see ‘em & get some freeeee swag! and if you really wanna keep up with the action, follow ‘em on twitter!"

Well the 2nd part of this great news is that yes they are coming to the Blog Party and they are bringing goody bags.  Can you stand it!!  I can't wait to meet these awesome girls.  Just by their emails I can tell they are super sweet.  So, here's the low down.  If you want to be one of the first one's there to see them all I can say is YOU BETTER BE THERE EARLY
Even though the Party will not officially start until 6pm, you can hang around and meet new bloggers and talk to new friends.
Also, I'd like to ask that IF YOU ARE COMING to the party, please bring some kind of dish, chips, dips, cookies, sandwiches, whatever you can I'd so appreciate it.  I'll of course have the good guacamole that people always requests and pico de gallo with another hot and spicy mexican dip that I'm making.
Remember Michelle Delgado will also be demonstating how to use the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and you'll be able to buy it from her.
Can't wait for the Party, the show, and of course to see you!!!
Just 7 more DAYS!! 

Monday, September 12, 2011

I'll be at The Prairie!

I was so excited to receive an email letting me know about a special event at Rachel's B&B, The Prairie on Monday, September 26, and I quickly signed up for it.  You can find me here two weeks from today at a special luncheon.  A portion of this event will benefit Dwell With Dignity.  They were recently featured in a full-length segment of the Nate Burkus Show, which you can view HERE.  If you are curious about Dwell With Dignity or just want more information about them, click HERE.

The menu will be prepared by Bud of Royer's and will consist of Royers Famous Grilled Shrimp BLT along with a Café Salad & Cilantro Ranch Dressing, Yeast Rolls & Butters, Ice Tea, a slice of Bud’s Chocolate Chip Pie topped with Amy’s Ice Cream.  Doesn't it sound just yummy!

35 Bloggers will be attending that have exclusive rights to blog about this great event.  It's also the opening of Rachel's new store on the Ranch and I can't wait to see just how beautiful it will be.

Be sure and check out my post I did on The Prairie when I got to tour it this last Spring.

I'll definately let you know all the details once I return from the shows!  Have a great week.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

September City Wide

The sale at the City Wide Garage Sale in Austin was a bit different this month.  Last month was my first time back selling at this show in probably over 2 years.  I had a great show last month.  Furniture just seemed to fly out the door and I had to raid my booth at Binky LaFaye's just to have something to put my things on.  Now this past show the things that sold were mainly smalls, but some how I seemed to have a better show this time even though I sold very little furniture, go figure, right?  I'm not complaining it was just an observation of what was selling.

Of course in the show biz, you just never know what will sell or who you will meet up for that matter. I'll explain further down what I'm talking about.

I wanted to show my booth this month at the show:


I was really in the Fall mood and had lots of pumpkins to get in the mood.

I thought the iron bed would sell, but it didn't so it's going to be at Zapp Hall:


The canvas newspaper carrying bag and canvas golf bag both sold to a special lady.  It was Ann from Hill Country House.  It was so nice to finally meet her.  Check out her blog for a great picture she took of the both of us.  It's the best pic I've ever taken *wink*  She's also a great photographer.

Here are more pics:







Here's our truck before we unloaded:

our load

Here's our son and his girlfriend.  So glad they came out to see us:

Aren't they a cute couple!

Charyl Coleman had this awesome zinc top table with blue legs:


She'll be at the Red Barn Antique Show this Fall.  I can't wait to check out her booth there.

This was Maggie's booth:


Maggie has a space in the Austin Antique Mall and she's in a shop in Dallas.  She'll be helping Charyl at the shows. 

And finally, Nancy and Mike of House Wren had a fab booth too:


Be sure to look for them at the Marburger Farm Antique Show this Fall.

I have a post of the Uncommon Objects Antique Shop that I'll be showing probably next.  When we were in UO we saw Drew Barrymore.  I would have asked to take a picture of her but she was preoccupied.  She also came out to City Wide.  It was fun seeing her.


For those that have asked about the Texas wild fires, please pray that they will be fully contained before the shows start. We are in desperate need of rain in Texas and I sure hope there is some relief soon.  Of course those that have lost homes and the firefighters also need our prayers.  I've been consistently watching the Texas Forest Service website for updates and you can you follow the link too, just click HERE.  

Hope you all have a great weekend. 

Thursday, September 08, 2011

September Canton Flea Market

We made a quick trip to the Canton Flea Market last Thursday before heading out for the City Wide Sale.  I was meeting up with Paula in Canton and was really excited to finally meet her.  We had been emailing back and forth for several years (Paula can you believe it's been 4 years) and felt like we were (are) kindred sisters that have a common bond of loving junk.  Paula is from Louisiana and lives in a wonderful historic home.  I had done a post on Paula a long while ago and finally meeting her in person was better than finding anything that day.

We met at Laurie Anna's Vintage Home and didn't get much time to really visit.  I just kept looking at all the beautiful things Laurie had in her store while Paula and I walked and talked.  She too is a fan of Laurie Anna's store.  Just look at this beautiful display:

Laurie Anna

And this display:

Laurie Anna

Paula, if you are reading this I hope we get together again really soon again.

Here are more displays that caught my eye on the grounds:




You can click on any of the above pictures to see much more.  If you've never been to the Canton Texas Flea Market, you have to promise yourself one day you'll go.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Antique Show Tips

(my booth during one of the Fall shows)

Each Antique Show season I always try and post tips that I hope you find beneficial for preparing to come out to the best Antique Shows in Texas.  Please know that I don't pretend to know all there is about the shows, these things I've just learned along the way.  I've seen other blogs that also offer great show tips as well. 

(Zapp Hall fun pics)

Since I've already received several emails and comments about why my blog shows one date for the opening of the Zapp Hall Antique Show and their website shows something else, I thought I'd explain.  I always try and put when I WILL ARRIVE in Warrenton, which this time it's on the 21st.  Zapp Hall's first opening day is September 23.  I went ahead and updated my blog so it wasn't so confusing. 

Also, please remember that not all shows open on the same day. I know for some this is hard to understand because you would think we would all start the same day, but we don't. The Bar W show and several others will open about a week before our show opens.  The Marburger Farms Antique Show opens on Tuesday, Sept. 27 and The Red Barn Antique Shows opens on Wednesday, Sept. 28.

For more info. when all the shows open, check out The Show Daily. They'll have all the dates and maps and where to shop. If you've never been to these shows, it covers several towns that are all near each other and the Show Daily maps this out for you. This is a must have at the shows if it's your first time. You should be able to find a copy at the shows.
The Falls shows are also very different than the Spring shows, weather wise.  It seems to be much hotter in the Fall but we could have cool mornings, so don't forget to dress in layers. It can be cool starting out but it will probably warm up by noon. Since we've had cooler weather this week, as compared to the over 100+ summer, I'm so hoping for a cooler show. You almost always have to bring clothes for all seasons when you're in Texas.

Here are few more helpful tips:

1. Wear Comfortable Shoes - remember you are in the country and the grounds can be unlevel.

2. Dress in Layers (see my note above).

3. Bring a shopping cart with a liner to carry your purchases in.  Last season I read in a magazine that mentioned flea market tips while you are at the Round Top shows and they recommended to "not" bring a shopping cart because the grounds were too bumpy and to bring a large canvas bag instead.  I guess they've never really shopped the fields here, because if you are buying several things, after walking for hours carrying those things they can get heavy. Besides a cart will allow you to bring drinks and snacks and the grounds aren't that bumpy that you can't roll the cart around.

4. Bring water and snacks. You need to stay hydrated while you are shopping and snacks will help you keep your energy so you can keep going.

5. Bring cash and small bills. Some dealers do not except checks, while most do, but only a small few accept credit cards. Also, remember a lot of dealers are no longer excepting OUT OF STATE checks.

6. Find a show map to become familiar with all the shows that are here and try to arrive as early as you can at the shows for the best selections. See my note above about The Show Daily.

7. Bring a small notebook and pen to write down what you've purchased and it will also help you remember if you need to go back and pick up things and where it's located. It may be helpful to bring a small measuring tape if you are needing to measure something.

8. Be nice when working with vendors. I can't stress this enough.  You don't know just how hard we all work to find you the coolest things we can, clean it, price it, haul it and display it, and courtesy can go a long way in this business. Also, while we are on the subject of this and I hope I don't hurt any feelings, please don't go up to a vendor and automatically offer 50% off an item.  Unless you see a sign that says 50% off this can be very offensive to vendors.  You might ask "what is your best price" or "can you do any better"?  If they can, they'll let you know, but some vendors are firm about their prices and they'll let you know this too.

9. Remember to inspect what you are purchasing. All sales are final and you can not return an item and expect to get your money back. Show vendors are also required to charge sales tax, so if you do not have a tax number, you will have to pay sales tax. However, if you do have a tax number it's always a good idea to carry a copy with you because many will require to see it.

10. Bring packing materials, blankets, bubble wrap etc. to wrap your purchases in when you get back to your vehicle. Bungee cords or twine are also helpful when tying things down to your vehicle.  There are shipping companies available at the shows to ship your purchases back for a fee.

11. Ask vendors if you are looking for certain items but maybe don't see it. Sometimes they have merchandise that is still in their trailers or they may have it and your eye doesn't see it. Also, if you are uncertain about things ask the vendors questions. If you are interested in something the vendor can sometimes offer more information about an item.

12. There are always parties you can attend at the shows. Find out through the vendors what parties they may know of. Here are just a few that I know of:

                     **  Friday, Sept. 23 @ 4pm: Clutter Show Opening Day Party
                     **  Saturday, Sept. 24 @ 6pm:  Leftover's Antique Shop has a shop opening party.  See their website or blog for more info.
                     **  Sunday, Sept. 25: **My Blog Party** ~ you do not have to have a blog to  attend. See my post HERE for more details.
                      ** The Texas Rose Show Monday evening party is on Sept. 26
                      **  Junk Gypsy Prom at Zapp Hall is on Thursday, Sept. 29!

13. There are some great places to eat during the shows. Ask around, you never know where you might find a place to eat at that otherwise may have been hidden from you. You know there is Royer's at Zapp Hall or Royer's in downtown Round Top, both places offer great food. And there are several other places we like to go in the evenings that are in different towns, Joe's Place in Fayetteville is a favorite as is The Cactus in Burton.

14. Watch the weather for the shows. It can be storming one minute, sunny the next, cloudy and over cast on another day and snowing before you know it. Yes we have literally experienced every one of these weather conditions during one show. It happened during one of the Spring Shows, only in Texas!

15. The most IMPORTANT ONE is to have Fun!! This is your time to find cool stuff and just have fun doing this.
16.  My last tip is, drive around and explore the great views that are in the Round Top/Warrenton area.  You'll find gorgeous home places, like this one:

Or visit Festival Hill, you'll be here a while because it's just so gorgeous. I recommend even having your lunch here, it's so peaceful and you'll just enjoy the gardens and buildings so much:

Check out their website here.
You can also check out a previous post HERE for more show tips.

Can you believe you are literally 2 WEEKS away from the shows starting.  Hope to see you there.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Getting Ready For Warrenton

I have a lot to share with you, but wanted to start to get you psyched about the upcoming Round Top/Warrenton Tx shows in just a few short weeks.  We headed to Canton on Thursday and found a few things, a great cubby and French chair and several other things, but the majority of the things we found were on our way home.   It was hot so we got there very early and left early.  I'll be doing a separate post of Canton and who I finally got to meet!

Here's a sneak peak of what you'll see in our booth at Zapp Hall in Warrenton Tx: 

warrenton collage

As you can see I'll have lots of brown and white transferware, a few pieces of purple transferware, which you know is super hard to find, that cubby is just too awesome, and you know I always try and have an awning or two in my space.  I loved finding this one, it's all chippy painted and white.  Can't wait to share more with you. 

We left for Austin on Friday to set up for the City Wide Garage Sale. I'll be doing a separate post on this as well as telling you about the celebrity sighting and who I also got to meet.

BTW, the tents are already going up at Round Top/Warrenton.  In case you are wondering, we are only 17 DAYS away from the shows starting.  It's going to be an exciting show I can already feel it and if the weather continues like it's forcasted for this week, it's going to be a fabulous time in Texas. 

I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend!

Thank you so much for following: